Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women, symptoms and signs of the disease.

MRI of the cervical spine with signs of osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is diagnosed in women more often than in men. And this is due not only to the lower strength of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus, but also to the weakness of the muscular corset. Throughout her life, a woman's body is subject to fluctuations in hormonal levels, which can negatively affect the condition of cartilage and bone tissues. But the methods of conservative and surgical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in both sexes practically do not differ.

Characteristics of female osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in women develops and proceeds in the same way as in men. Intervertebral discs lose their ability to retain moisture, slowly begin to collapse, involving bone structures, ligaments and tendons in the destructive process. But due to the weakness of the neck muscles, the most fragile vertebral segments, the first symptoms of the disease in women appear faster. Already in the initial stage of development, there may be pronounced discomfort that limits mobility.

It should be noted the lower resistance to stress of women of any age. Having learned about the impossibility of completely curing osteochondrosis, they can lead to a depressive state with experiences. Therefore, antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and sedatives are often included in therapeutic regimens.

Causes of the disease in women

The main reason for the most frequent damage to the intervertebral discs in women is a decrease or increase in the level of hormones in the body. After the onset of natural menopause, the production of estrogens, which are involved in the regulation of the biosynthesis of cartilage and bone tissues, gradually decreases. A decrease in estrogen levels at menopause leads to disc damage, causes the development of osteoporosis (increased brittleness of the bones).

Women monitor their weight, so they often refuse foods with a high calcium content: sour cream, cheeses, peas, soybeans, beans. And if the diet is followed, not only does the body weight decrease, but also a deficiency of the most important trace elements and vitamins occurs, which leads to the premature destruction of the intervertebral discs.


At the first X-ray stage, signs of osteochondrosis are weakly expressed. Only the irregular surface of the intervertebral discs is observed. Therefore, a woman feels only a slight discomfort in her neck that occurs after physical exertion or a long stay in a position with her head down. But gradually the intensity of the pain increases. She appears not only when turning and tilting her head, but also at rest. In the absence of medical intervention, the pathology progresses steadily. As a result of infringement by osteophytes, displaced discs of the vertebral artery, the following clinical manifestations occur:

  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • headaches (cervical migraines), dizziness, fainting;
  • Dizziness is a common symptom of cervical osteochondrosis in women.
  • decreased visual and hearing acuity, double vision of objects in front of the eyes, tinnitus;
  • fatigue, apathy, sleep disorders;
  • tickling sensation, "coma" in the throat.

Also, when tilting or turning the head, a crunch is heard, and the mobility of the cervical region is limited.

Diagnosis of pathology

The primary diagnosis can be made on the basis of an external examination, the patient's complaints, and the results of a series of functional tests to assess range of motion, reflexes, and sensation. To confirm this, an X-ray was performed in 2 projections. The study is informative not only for the detection of osteochondrosis, but also for establishing its stage, the degree of damage to the discs and vertebrae. Discography makes it possible to accurately examine the affected intervertebral discs, and if there is a suspicion of damage to the nerve pathways, patients are shown electrophysiological diagnoses:

  • evoked potentials;
  • electroneurography;
  • electromyography.
Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine on MRI

Computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging serve as additional diagnostic methods, often used to assess the state of the spinal cord, detect complications - protrusions or intervertebral hernias. These studies are performed to differentiate cervical osteochondrosis from tuberculous spondylitis, osteomyelitis, benign and malignant neoplasms, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatism.

First aid for exacerbations

During a recurrence of cervical osteochondrosis, there is such severe pain in the neck that the woman is afraid to turn or tilt her head. To reduce its intensity, lie down on a hard surface. It is necessary to take a position of the body in which the pain subsides. If, on the recommendation of a doctor, a Shants collar or semi-rigid bandage has already been purchased, then it should be worn when moving.

Shants collar fixes the vertebrae during exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis

To stop a pain attack, taking one tablet of any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) will be allowed. NSAID ointments and gels have a pronounced analgesic effect.

When providing first aid, the use of cold or heat is not desirable. Often a relapse occurs due to muscle spasm and cold packs will only increase the tension of the skeletal muscles. Dry heating is an effective way to eliminate symptoms, but only in the absence of an inflammatory process in the soft tissues of the neck.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in women

Osteochondrosis of any localization has not yet been completely cured. A neurologist or vertebrologist will definitely explain to a woman the meaning and principles of the upcoming therapy. Treatment is aimed at achieving a stable remission stage. At this stage, painful sensations occur very rarely, and the range of motion is fully preserved.

For the appointment of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis, you need to consult a doctor.

It is impossible to limit yourself only to taking drugs, since the means that restore discs and vertebrae have not yet been synthesized. It is necessary to follow all the doctor's prescriptions: attend physical therapy, massage activities, exercise therapy and gymnastics.

From the first days of treatment, patients are recommended to wear Shants collars, orthopedic devices that stabilize the discs and vertebrae. They prevent the displacement of the vertebral structures, thus reducing the probability of relapses.

To treat cervical osteochondrosis, women should wear a Shants necklace

Overview of drugs for treatment.

Sometimes, during exacerbations of cervical osteochondrosis, shooting and burning pains occur due to infringement of the spinal roots. They can only be eliminated by intramuscular administration of NSAID solutions. And if they are ineffective, pharmacological blockades with anesthetics and hormonal agents are used. Glucocorticosteroids are not often used due to their negative effects on internal organs, cartilage, and bone tissues.

To get rid of pain of mild severity, a woman will be allowed to take NSAIDs in the form of tablets or capsules. Nonsteroidal agents in the form of gels and ointments are prescribed for mild pain, as well as to reduce doses of systemic drugs.

A group of drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis. therapeutic action
Chondroprotectors Partially restore the cartilaginous tissues of the intervertebral discs
Means that improve blood circulation. Eliminates the lack of oxygen and nutrients, stimulating regeneration
B vitamins Normalizes the transmission of impulses to the central and peripheral nervous systems.
muscle relaxants Relaxes skeletal muscles, eliminates muscle spasms.
hot ointments Accelerate blood circulation, have analgesic, anti-exudative effect
Antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives Relieve increased anxiety, restlessness, sleep disorders.

Therapeutic exercise, gymnastics, exercises.

The most effective way to treat osteochondrosis is daily exercise therapy. With the help of dosed loads on the cervical spine, the muscular corset is strengthened, the blood supply of tissues with nutrients improves, and the risk of exacerbations is reduced. It is necessary to start gymnastics immediately after stopping acute pain. The exercise therapy doctor draws up a set of exercises individually for a woman, taking into account her physical condition and the severity of her pathology. All movements are performed smoothly, with a small amplitude. This will strengthen the muscles without damaging the cartilage tissue. What exercises do physical therapy doctors recommend?

  • sit up straight, put your hand under your chin. Try to tilt your head, resisting with a brush;
  • in a sitting position, put your hand on your cheek. Tilt your head to the side, resisting with a brush;
  • stand up, put your hands on your belt. Turn your head first in one direction and then in the other, without tilting it back very much.

With osteochondrosis, patients are recommended swimming, yoga, pilates, water aerobics, Nordic walking. Riding a bike, running, lifting weights is prohibited.

The girl is engaged in physiotherapy for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.

nutrition and diet

With cervical osteochondrosis, nutritionists recommend limiting the use of alcohol, coffee and strong tea. These drinks interfere with calcium absorption, rapidly removing it from the body. Preference should be given to slightly salty mineral waters, fruit compotes and jellies, vegetable juices, berry fruit drinks. The optimal amount of fluid to drink is 2 to 2. 5 liters a day.

It is necessary to abandon fast food, semi-finished products, smoked meats, fatty meats. The menu of the daily diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, dry white or rye bread, and fermented milk products. Useful turkey, chicken breast, rabbit meat, lamb. 2-3 times a week you need to eat some oily fish, such as salmon or Norwegian herring.

It is better to completely abandon fried foods. The most useful products are baked in foil, stewed in water or steamed.


At the rehabilitation stage, patients are assigned 5-10 physiotherapy sessions. Electrophoresis or ultraphonophoresis with chondroprotectors, solutions of calcium salts, vitamins of group B is carried out to restore cartilage tissues, improve innervation and increase the strength of the ligamentous-tendon apparatus. The same procedures, but only with glucocorticosteroids, analgesics, anesthetics in the subacute period, are aimed at relieving pain and inflammation.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in a woman with laser.

The following physical therapy procedures can also improve a woman's well-being:

Neck applications of ozokerite and paraffin for cervical osteochondrosis.

  • UHF therapy;
  • magnet therapy;
  • galvanic currents;
  • laser therapy;
  • shock wave therapy.

Applications with ozokerite, bischofite, paraffin are used. The use of therapeutic mud and mineral waters, the fixation of medical leeches has proven itself in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis.


During the massage, a mechanical effect is produced on the muscles of the entire back, and not only of the cervical region. But it is on them that the specialist focuses special attention. As a result of kneading, smoothing, performing pressing and cutting movements, spasmodic skeletal muscles relax, ligaments strengthen, and blood circulation improves. In the treatment of osteochondrosis, the following types of manual and hardware massage are used:

  • classic;
  • point;
  • Aspire;
  • Swedish;
  • segmental.
Self-massage of the cervical spine in osteochondrosis

Pharmacies and medical equipment stores sell hand-held electric massagers. They are equipped with special nozzles, speed controllers. And the comfortable long handle of the devices allows you to independently massage the back of the neck.

Home remedies

In folk medicine, for the treatment of osteochondrosis, home-made ointments, alcohol and oil rubs, compresses, decoctions and tinctures are used. Representatives of official medicine are skeptical about such methods of therapy for degenerative dystrophic pathology due to their low clinical effectiveness. The exceptions are herbal teas from chamomile, St. John's wort, infusion of rose hips.

Chamomile decoction a folk remedy in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Features of the treatment of older women

The therapy of elderly patients is carried out using the same techniques as the treatment of young women. But when determining the dosage regimen, the neurologist takes into account the presence of chronic pathologies in the elderly, a decrease in the functional activity of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. The doctor chooses drugs, the use of which has a mild effect on the internal organs and the risk of adverse reactions is reduced.

What is dangerous cervical osteochondrosis?

The main signs of cervical osteochondrosis are similar in both sexes. But neurological symptoms are more pronounced in women. Most often they are diagnosed with an infringement of the spinal roots and the vertebral artery, which supplies the brain with nutrients.

With cervical osteochondrosis of the second and third severity, the spinal roots are often infringed, which leads to the appearance of acute pain, loss of reflexes and decreased sensitivity. Serious complications of the pathology are intervertebral hernia, radicular syndrome, discogenic myelopathy.

Preventive actions

In women who prefer narrow shoes with high heels, cervical osteochondrosis is often detected. When using it, the load on the spine is unevenly distributed, which leads to microtrauma of cartilaginous tissues. Women also often suffer from hypothermia, they acutely experience ordinary domestic conflicts. And these factors are prerequisites for the development of pathology. Therefore, its exclusion from the usual way of life becomes an excellent prevention of osteochondrosis of any localization and its consequences.